They say I am a polymath; I believe in following my innate curiosity with humility and a genuine desire to be of service. While I am not one for labels, it is helpful to know that I am a diagnosed Acquired Savant Artist with synesthesia, as it allows me to understand better the context for the way my brain operates in the wake of the accident that changed my life.

"Thompson is an 'acquired savant,' whose remarkable experience can help shed light on the roots of human creativity," explains psychiatrist Darold Treffert, Wisconsin psychiatrist and worldwide savant expert. "These are ordinary people who have a head injury — typically on the left side of the brain — or stroke, or some other central nervous system incident - and, all of a sudden, they have musical or artistic abilities, sometimes at the prodigious level." Full Article about Heather Thompson in Nautilus 2016. Note: Dr. Darold Treffert was the content expert on 1989’s Rain Man, author of Island of Genius, and founder of the Treffert Center. 

This I know for sure: I see things in ways few others can. I bring rare insight into disruptive innovation, including the emergence of healthcare artificial intelligence. With nearly 25 years as a healthcare futurist, keynote speaker, award-winning artist, rare disease advocate, published writer, and C-suite strategist, I possess a track record of excellence combined with the quiet knowledge of just how much I have yet to learn.

Heather Thompson

Heather Thompson

HUMAN | AcquiredSavant Artist | Synesthesia | Poet | Entrepreneur | HealthcareFuturist -AI | Published Worldwide | KeynoteSpeaker | Contemplative | RareDisease