Roses Wild

TheoArtistry bloomed in my garden, where the Trinity, temporarily called home.

Heather Thompson
2 min readSep 18, 2021
“Trinitarian Rose” Digital Painting by Heather Thompson, 2021

Roses Wild

I pause at the edge
of the concrete walk
where the roses,
once proper and contained,
now audaciously spill
viridian stems onto the
mossy concrete walk.

Unkempt and wild,
like the tangled mane
of a barefoot child
with summer freedom…

An unusual Trinitarian fractal
catches my eye:
three buds tucked
within a solitary rose
amongst a comforter
of single-budded flowers.

The roses, planted by a man
whom I thought I loved,
when I could not wield the spade,
thrive long after human fussing
gave way to unbridled emergence.

Next to the old wooden gate,
where the flock of
3 ducks and 3 drakes ~
another fractal of three ~
lived their raucous adolescence.



Heather Thompson

HUMAN | AcquiredSavant Artist | Synesthesia | Poet | Entrepreneur | HealthcareFuturist -AI | Published Worldwide | KeynoteSpeaker | Contemplative | RareDisease